Air Conditioning Heating and Ventilation Services

Cheap vs. Expensive Air Filters: Does Price Matter?

When it comes to purchasing air filters, many of us may find ourselves asking a very pertinent question: “Does price matter?”   Naturally, with varying prices, the difference in cost can lead us to wonder if we are compromising quality with cheaper alternatives or just unnecessarily spending more on pricier ones.   Our HVAC experts […]

7 New Year’s Resolutions to Keep Your HVAC System Healthy

Happy New Year! As we welcome another year full of promises and possibilities, it’s also the perfect time to think about your HVAC system. Like all valuable things commanding attention in your home, your HVAC requires a resolution list to keep it running smoothly and efficiently throughout the year.     Our experts at ACHV Services […]

How to Stop Condensation on Your AC Ducts

Have you ever wondered why your air conditioning ducts are often damp or show signs of moisture? Well, you’re not alone. This issue, called condensation, is quite common and can lead to a wide range of problems if not addressed in a timely manner.    In this article, we’ll explore how to stop this precipitation […]

7 Signs It’s Time for an AC Duct Repair

The ducts throughout your home allow for the delivery and removal of warm or cool air throughout your home and are largely responsible for maintaining clean, breathable air. What happens if they are damaged and start to have problems?    These often-neglected components of your air conditioning system are simple yet vital contributors to keeping […]

The Inside Scoop: Tips to Improve Indoor Air Quality

From standstill traffic to industrial mushroom clouds, it’s no secret that we have a pollution problem. But what about when you step indoors? Is the air within your home really safer than the “fresh air” outside?    It may come as a surprise that air pollution within the home can be equally as bad, if […]

Signs Your Home Has Poor Humidity

Humidity. That icky, sticky, heaviness in the air that notoriously hovers year-round in the sunshine state of Florida. Yes, the intense, humid summer heat is quickly approaching and it can make you feel lethargic, irritable, and unwell overall. Although we don’t typically have this problem in Florida, dry air can cause just as many issues.  […]

How Does Humidity Impact My HVAC System?

Mold Issues

Living here in Florida, you’re probably (somewhat) used to high humidity levels. However, that doesn’t mean you want that humidity following you into your home. For this reason, you’ll need to have an air conditioning unit if you expect to live a comfortable life that offers an escape on sticky, hot days.    Managing the […]
