Air Conditioning Heating and Ventilation Services

How Does Humidity Impact My HVAC System?

Mold Issues

Living here in Florida, you’re probably (somewhat) used to high humidity levels. However, that doesn’t mean you want that humidity following you into your home. For this reason, you’ll need to have an air conditioning unit if you expect to live a comfortable life that offers an escape on sticky, hot days. 


Managing the humidity in your space is one of the ways an air conditioner can help with this since it is designed to draw moisture and heat from the air. This doesn’t mean your AC alone will provide enough dehumidification power to meet your needs. 


Our HVAC technicians explain how humidity impacts your home and HVAC system and what you can do to dial it down.  




How Does Your HVAC System’s Dehumidification Work?  


Since humid air typically holds more heat, it will make your indoor air warmer. This results in your AC unit having to work harder to cool your home, increasing energy costs, and consumption. 


Modern HVAC systems regulate humidity in your home with an evaporator coil. This device condenses water vapor from the air. Think of how a cold glass of water collects condensation. Humid air in your environment comes in contact with the cold evaporator coil, collects as water droplets, and is drained away from your home.  


Why is High Humidity Bad?  


If the humidity levels in your home are through the roof, it can take a serious toll on your AC unit since it has to work harder to do its job. But it can do more damage than that… Excess moisture may lead to: 


  • Mold growth 
  • Mildew growth  
  • A good environment for bacteria 
  • Wood rot 
  • Poor air quality 
  • Window condensation 
  • Wet stains on drywall and ceilings 


A moist home environment is a breeding ground for harmful pathogens. High humidity in your home can do serious structural damage and even lead to health problems.  


How Can You Help Your AC System Work Better in the Face of Humidity? 


There are a few things you can do to support your air conditioning system and help it function better.  


Turn On Exhaust Fans When Cooking or Bathing  


Cooking on a stove or using hot water to take a bath or shower can increase the humidity levels in your home. Make sure to use your exhaust fans when boiling potatoes or getting ready for the day. Make sure to turn them off afterward so you don’t draw cold air from your space! 


Close Doors and Windows on High Humidity Days 


Letting warm, damp air into your home means your AC has to work harder. Cloudy, rainy days are asking for increased humidity levels. We know the sound of rain is relaxing, but it stresses out your unit! The answer? Keep doors and windows shut! 


Keep an Eye on Humidity Levels 


Instead of guessing how humid it is in your home, invest in a hygrometer. They’re only around $20 and will let you know if you need to make any changes to reduce your humidity levels.  


Consider Dehumidification 


In some cases, it may be difficult to control your home’s humidity with your HVAC system alone. ACHV Services can offer you dehumidification solutions for your whole home so your AC unit doesn’t have to carry all of the weight! Call us anytime. 



Learn More > What Size HVAC Unit Do I Need? 



Window Condensation


Thin Out Thick Air with ACHV Services 


Humidity can have a major impact on your HVAC system. It can lead to poor air quality, mold growth, and other issues. To ensure your system is running at peak efficiency and your home is comfortable, it’s important to have regular maintenance and tune-ups performed by a qualified technician.  


Handling a humidity problem in your home is as simple as calling our team at ACHV Services. Our trained technicians understand the intricacies of humidity control and can help you keep up with the proper maintenance schedule to keep your HVAC system running in top condition. 


Call our HVAC pros today at (727) 453-2432 or (813) 917-2982. 

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