Air Conditioning Heating and Ventilation Services

7 New Year’s Resolutions to Keep Your HVAC System Healthy

Happy New Year! As we welcome another year full of promises and possibilities, it’s also the perfect time to think about your HVAC system. Like all valuable things commanding attention in your home, your HVAC requires a resolution list to keep it running smoothly and efficiently throughout the year.  


Our experts at ACHV Services have put together a list of New Year’s resolutions that will ensure your HVAC system stays healthy and can help you save on your energy bills!  


Whether you’ve been neglecting your system or just need to step up your maintenance game, these resolutions will provide an effective guide and ensure you enjoy comfortable temperatures in your home all year round.  


  • Prioritize Regular HVAC Inspection 
  • Updating Your Old HVAC System 
  • Regular Air Duct Cleaning 
  • Changing Air Filters Regularly  
  • Integrating Your System 
  • Understanding Your Thermostat 



#1. Prioritize Regular HVAC Inspection 


While we often make resolutions for personal growth or improvement, our living spaces should not be neglected either.  

One crucial habit to establish this new year is scheduling regular HVAC inspections. 

Here’s why:  

  • Preventive care 
  • Enhanced performance 
  • Longevity 


Making regular HVAC inspections part of your routine not only maintains its health but also ensures yours by providing a comfortable and safe living environment. 


So, how often should you schedule these inspections? Experts generally recommend at least twice a year: once in spring for the cooling system and once in fall for the heating system.  

This way, you’re prepared for the peak seasons when your HVAC system will work the hardest.  


#2. Updating Your Old HVAC System 


An outdated HVAC system can be a major source of inefficiency and an energy guzzler.  

Think of it as an investment in your comfort, your home, and peace of mind.  

As you think about making the change, remember that the best time to replace your air conditioning depends on your specific situation. Don’t decide in haste; take time to plan, do extensive research, and consult with professionals.  

Now’s the time to say goodbye to the old and welcome the fresh beginnings with a new unit!  


ACHV Tip: Updating your HVAC system will not only improve your home’s efficiency but can also greatly reduce your energy bills. 



#3. Regular Air Duct Cleaning 


When was the last time you had your air ducts cleaned? If you can’t remember, it might be the right moment to put this task on your New Year’s resolutions list.


Air duct cleaning is a crucial part  of maintaining a healthy system.  


A clean air duct not only affects the efficiency of your system but is also vital for the quality of the air you breathe indoors. Over time, these ducts accumulate dust, allergens, and other particles that can affect the indoor air quality.  


The benefits of air duct cleaning include:  


#1. Better Indoor Air Quality 

#2. Improved System Efficiency 

#3. Extended Equipment Life 

#4. Energy Savings 


How Often Should You Clean Your Air Ducts?  


While it varies depending on the conditions of your home, it’s typically recommended to have your air ducts cleaned every three to five years. However, if you have pets, suffer from allergies, or live in a high-pollution area, you may need to clean your air ducts more frequently. 


#4. Changing Filters Regularly 


Your HVAC filter works like a protective shield, safeguarding your system from dust, dirt, and other airborne particles that can impair its performance. Over time, these filters can become clogged, making your HVAC system work overtime to maintain desirable temperature levels.  

This not only drives up energy consumption but also adds undue stress on your system, potentially leading to costly repairs or even a system breakdown.  

ACHV Tip: Aim to change your HVAC filter every 1-3 months, but this can vary depending on your usage, the type of filter you use, and whether you share your home with pets or allergy sufferers. 


#5. Integrating Your System 


With smart home technology rapidly advancing, it’s only logical to extend this convenient tech to your air conditioning as well.  

But what does it mean to have a ‘smart’ system?  

Simply put, a smart HVAC system can be controlled and monitored remotely via a smartphone, tablet, or other devices. This not only provides convenience but also allows for more efficient and effective control of your home’s heating and cooling.  


#6. Understanding Your Thermostat  


An in-depth knowledge of how your thermostat functions can empower you to take control of your air system, potentially saving money on energy costs and making your home more comfortable.  

The primary function of a thermostat is to regulate the temperature of your home based on your preferences. However, many homeowners don’t fully utilize the capabilities of their thermostats, missing out on numerous benefits.  

ACHV Tip: Kickstart your New Year’s resolutions by taking the time to understand your thermostat. Not only could this simple action enhance your overall HVAC management, but it could also lead to significant energy savings, ensuring you kick off the new year in the right direction. 


Understanding When Your HVAC Needs Repair or Replacement 

Figuring out when your HVAC system needs repair or replacement is not always straightforward. However, being able to understand and identify early warning signs can save you from bigger expenses and discomfort down the road.  

A few indicators include: 

  • Frequent repairs 
  • Increased energy bills 
  • Uncomfortable homes 
  • Noise and smell 



Read More>> To Replace or Not Replace: Updating Ductwork When Fixing HVAC Units 


Happy New Year, Happy Home  


Prioritizing the maintenance of your HVAC system is vital for its longevity, not to mention the benefits for your household. Focusing on energy efficiency and indoor air quality will not only benefit your cooling unit but also contribute to a healthier home environment for you and your family.  


By incorporating these essential New Year’s resolutions, you can ensure that your HVAC system runs efficiently and effectively all year long!  


Contact ACHV Services today (727) 453-2432 or (813) 917-2982 and say goodbye to unpredicted HVAC troubles this New Year. 


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