Planning a Party? Expert HVAC Tips for Hosting a Crowd
Throwing a party at home? Now, that’s exciting! But have you ever thought about how all the extra bodies can affect your HVAC system? When you host a crowd, your heating and cooling system has a lot more work to do. Our experts at ACHV Services are here to ensure you’re well prepared and […]
Year-End HVAC Tune-Up Checklist
As we bid the year goodbye, it’s essential to give your HVAC system a year-end tune-up. But where do you start? Our experts at ACHV Services have got you covered and will ensure your system is ready to take on the new year! Make sure to check these items off your list… (Note: You’ll […]
What Temperature Should I Set My AC In Summer?
You don’t need us to tell you – Florida gets hot in the summer. Not only that, but we also deal with the heavy and dense humidity that feels like swimming through the air. Staying comfortable through this blistering season comes at a cost. So how do you keep your home comfortable without your […]
How Long Does It Take to Replace an Air Conditioner?
If you’re planning to replace your air conditioning before the high heat of summer, you may wonder how long the process will take from start to finish. Various factors affect the installation timeline, so our experienced HVAC technicians are here to give you a rough estimate of what to expect. Keep reading to learn […]