Air Conditioning Heating and Ventilation Services

Important Questions to Ask When Replacing Your AC Unit


Working AC is essential during our hot summer months here in Florida. But what goes up must come down, and eventually, your HVAC system will need replacing. A new AC unit is a big investment, so it’s crucial that you do your homework before committing to an HVAC company and system.  


Your AC unit needs to accomplish two goals: 


  1. Keep your family comfortable 
  2. Keep your bills as low as possible  


Don’t regret your decision! Ensure you’re on track to hit those targets with your new unit by asking your HVAC technician the following questions. 



1. What Size System Do I Need? 


Believe it or not, the specs of your current system may not be optimal for your home. Make sure your tech inspects your duct system to ensure your new system won’t overperform and cost you more on your utility bills than necessary.  


2. Will the New Equipment Fit in Place of My Old System? 


Unless there is absolutely no way around it (which we doubt), you should avoid major construction to make space for your new unit.  


3. What is Protected by Warranty? 


Before committing to a new unit, confirm the details of the warranty. Good news: ACHV offers a 10-year manufacturing warranty and a 1-year labor warranty. 


4. What Equipment Do You Recommend, and Why? 


Any experienced HVAC contractor will make educated recommendations about what will work best in your home.  


Need a second opinion? > It’s on us at NO CHARGE! 


5. How Efficient Will My New System Be? 


There’s more to account for than the face-value cost when deciding on your new investment. Ask about factors such as: 


  • Lifetime operating costs 
  • SEER rating 
  • Filter types 


6. What Are My Payment Plan Options? 


Before diving in, learn about your payment and financing options. This is important to be aware of from the get-go, as it can significantly adjust the overall amount going out of your bank account. 


7. What Filters Can I Choose From? 


In some cases, you can choose between disposable or washable filters. Other options, such as HEPA filters can protect your family’s health by improving your air quality 


8. Do You Have Any Special Offers? 


Be sure to ask about tax and utility rebates as well as equipment offers. View our specials here! 


Make the Right Choice with ACHV Services 


Our reliable HVAC technicians have the knowledge, experience, and commitment to guide you through the HVAC replacement process. We know it can be stressful having to make such a large commitment, which is why we want to help you make the right choice.  


If your AC is out in the heat of summer, count on our team to simplify the process so you can get back to comfort! 

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