Air Conditioning Heating and Ventilation Services

How to Improve Indoor Air Quality in Your Home


Looking to improve your home’s indoor air quality? Here’s how to start.

If your home is suffering from poor air quality and you’re having difficulty breathing or sometimes feel sick, take solace in knowing that you’re not alone. Millions of people across the country suffer from breathing issues and the many chemicals and pollutants in your home certainly aren’t making things any easier.

The good news is that it’s easy to improve indoor air quality as long as you’re willing to change your routine here and there.

There are many techniques available and we’ve outlined a list of the most effective methods to improve indoor air quality:

Dust on a Regular Basis

No matter how many times we clean our homes, it always seems amazing how quickly dust can collect on surfaces everywhere you look. That doesn’t even take into account the large number of dust mites that hide under beds, dressers, and many other locations. If you want to keep this dust out of your air, then you need to dust with a microfiber cloth at least once a week.

Upgrade to a HEPA Filter

Air filters do a great job at preventing dust and other pollutants from re-entering the air. It doesn’t take long for an air conditioner’s filter to get clogged, though, due to the system being run for long periods of time. To get better results, first switch to a HEPA filter and then make sure you either clean or replace it as soon as it gets filled up.

Open Up Your Windows

As a general rule, the air inside your home is always dirtier than the air outside. Just a few open windows will allow fresh air to enter your home while some of the bad air gets pushed outdoors. This single tactic can greatly improve your indoor air quality with almost no effort whatsoever. If you can open up a couple of windows to get a cross-breeze going, your home will be cooler, too.

Use a HEPA Vacuum

Vacuuming on a weekly basis will remove dust and other contaminants from your carpet and prevent them from being kicked up into the air when someone walks across them. To get the best results, you always want to use a HEPA-equipped vacuum cleaner, which will get rid of 99.7% of pollutants including germs and bacteria.

Don’t Allow Smoking Indoors

Cigarette smoke is filled with chemicals that are so harmful, many areas forbid their use in public and private settings. Secondhand smoke can be especially harmful to those suffering from breathing ailments, but it may also cause breathing problems to occur in the first place. Smoking should always be done outside.

Switch Out Your Carpet

Carpets are notorious for capturing dust, pet dander, and other contaminants. Since these pollutants are embedded into the carpet fibers, it’s truly difficult to see just how prevalent and harmful they are. Switching to a different type of flooring such as wood or tile will make cleaning a lot easier and the pollutants will always remain on the surface.

Purchase Used Furniture

One thing that many homeowners don’t realize is that new furniture releases what’s called Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) into the air. These gases come from the paints, glues, and fabrics used in many pieces of furniture and can irritate and even damage a person’s lungs. Used furniture is safer because VOCs stop being emitted after a few years.

Invest in an Air Purifier 

If you truly want to improve indoor air quality in your home, then investing in an air purifier should be a heavy consideration. You can either use an air purifier that works with your air conditioning system or purchase a standalone unit. This isn’t always an inexpensive solution, but it’s definitely one that works.

Don’t Bet on Houseplants

At first glance, it seems to make sense that filling your home with indoor plants will improve indoor air quality because they take in carbon monoxide and expel oxygen. However, it’s been shown that anywhere from 10 to 1000 houseplants would be needed to make a real difference. Other steps such as opening a window for fresh air are much more effective.

Stop Using Air Fresheners

While it’s true that air fresheners can help our homes smell better, the problem is that they’re using synthetic chemicals to mask odors instead of removing them. They’re certainly not the worst thing in the world, but they can irritate people who are sensitive to smells. It’s much better to remove the odors with a purifier rather than just cover them up.

Contact ACHV Services to Improve Indoor Air Quality

These tips will help you improve indoor air quality within your home. If you need further assistance with any home comfort inquiry, just ask the friendly professionals at ACHV Services. We specialize in air conditioning repair in Pinellas and every other type of HVAC need. Call us at (727) 453-2432 for a free, no-obligation quote for HVAC maintenance and repair services today.

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