7 Tips to Extend Your Air Conditioner Life Span

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Seven Ways to Extend an AC’s Lifespan

Your home’s air conditioning unit is a key part of the climate control system. With proper maintenance and operating conditions, your HVAC system can be an excellent investment. But how long do air conditioners last?

The average lifespan of an air conditioner is 15 to 20 years. Typically, an ac unit’s life expectancy varies based on factors like regular tune-ups and workloads. There are several things you can do to ensure your HVAC unit serves you well.

Here are seven tips to extend your air conditioner’s lifespan.

1. Install the Correct AC Unit Size

Getting the installation right is the first practical step to increase your air conditioner lifespan. An experienced air conditioning contractor knows that you can’t install similar HVAC units for a 1200 SQFT and 2500 SQFT home.

This is because the wrong air conditioner size will lead to quicker wear and tear. So, if your ac unit is small, it will need to work harder throughout to achieve the ideal temperature for your home. In comparison, if your HVAC system is massive, this means the unit would cycle more than required, thereby causing moisture problems.

2. Routine Tune-Ups

It’s best not to miss an oil change for an automobile, right? Just like your vehicle, your central air conditioner requires regular maintenance to perform optimally. As a rule of thumb, you should seek HVAC services twice every year for inspections, deep cleaning, and tune-ups. This way, the technician can detect an issue early and determine whether you need to repair or replace your indoor air conditioner.

The general principle is that a repair should not cost you 50% of the amount you need to get a new HVAC system. Reach out to your AC company to determine whether it’s time to replace your ac unit if the repair costs run into unreasonable amounts.

A tune-up usually involves the following:

  • A thorough inspection
  • Amp and voltage assessments
  • Lubricant checks
  • Coil and drain cleaning
  • Adding refrigerant
  • Repair or replacements

3. Improve Your Home’s Insulation

Heat loss can significantly affect your air conditioner lifespan. The best part, this issue is preventable if you improve your home’s insulation. Check the attic and look for any existing gaps, especially around your doors. It would also help to put up dual-pane windows.

Plus, if you’re unsure about the ideal home insulation levels, we recommend visiting EPA’s home insulation R-values for insulation tips based on the climate for where you live.

4. Replace the Air Filter Regularly

Air filter replacement is a standard step during air conditioning maintenance. Despite this, you’ll need to check and replace the filter yourself, especially if your HVAC unit has a one-month fiberglass air filter.

A clean filter helps to extend the life of your air conditioner. Other than helping prevent dirt and debris from getting to the condenser coil, it also promotes energy efficiency. This is due to the fact that a clean air filter requires less time to cool the air to the desired temperature.

5. Avoid HVAC System Overload

Allowing your ac unit enough time to rest is yet another way to extend your air conditioner lifespan. We recommend interchanging your AC and ceiling fans. Besides that, it would also help if you installed reflective window films and smart blinds to increase circulation and decrease the need to run your AC constantly.

6. Run Your AC on “Auto” Mode

Today’s HVAC units have an “auto” setting that lets you run your ac based on need rather than letting the system work on high settings all the time. The auto mode promotes energy efficiency and prevents the constant buildup of dirt in the ac unit.

7. Check for Refrigerant Leaks

Refrigerant leaks, if left unattended, can damage the air conditioner extensively. The main concern is detecting leaks can be difficult because the fluid tends to discharge as a gas. Some common telltale signs that indicate your cooling system is leaking include oil spots around the ac, inability to cool air, and soaring energy bills.

Extend Your Air Conditioner Lifespan by Contacting ACHV

ACHV offers quality air conditioning services in Pinellas, including thorough assessments, HVAC repair, and maintenance. Extend your ac unit’s lifespan by having it serviced by experts. Contact our team to view our special offers, or call us at (813) 917-2982 to book a service visit today to improve your air conditioner life span.

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